I Think She’s on to Something

ocean-918897_960_720For the past twenty-eight years, I have practically lived in public silence with Bipolar disorder. Thankfully, I’ve had a strong support system of doctors, friends, and family members who have helped me manage my moods, behavior, and experiences with this disease.  One such person is my sister, Reubee, who recently suggested I start a blog, attend a group session, amongst countless other ways to overcome my illness.  You know what, I think she’s on to something.  

Because, I am no longer afraid to share my journey with others, I plan to:

  • Use this platform to talk about my experiences  with Bipolar to hopefully lessen another person’s battle with this disease
  • Use my voice (blog) as a vehicle to cope with the challenges of having a mental illness
  • Discover new ways to address being manic
  • Create an open forum for others to explore a different approach to being Bipolar
  • Give others hope

For starters, I was diagnosed with Bipolar at the ripe age of 16.  At which time, my mom had no clue why I couldn’t sleep, wouldn’t eat, rambled incessantly, and seemed wired.   Although, mental illness wasn’t new to my family, we had no one to turn to for advice or help back then.

Twenty five years later, here I am stepping out on faith and sharing my journey with the world.  This decision has not been an easy one, because as you well know society tends to stigmatize mental illness and those who are affected by them.  Prayerfully, this blog will open up a new and refreshing avenue upon wich to live a healthy life for my readers and self.

Welcome to my blog– Living Beyond the Bipolar Mania.

7 thoughts on “I Think She’s on to Something

  1. Pingback: I Think She’s on to Something | tlawrence126

  2. I’m so proud of you Tamatha! God is in control. Keep moving forward in your search for the right balance to manage and control your moods and mania. I’m confident you are on the right path!


  3. Thanks for sharing your story. I pray that your blog generate positive conversations and connect those in need of services with the right resources. Love you, Sis.


  4. Thank you so much for finding my blog and following me



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